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What We Believe

Southview, a local congregation of The Church of the Nazarene, believes in…

  1. One Creator, God, Who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit. We believe in Jesus’ Deity; He is God…

We believe the Bible is God’s inspired/relevant Word, that it contains the Truths for salvation, life and eternity…

We believe everyone has sinned, done wrong things, and needs God’s Grace and Forgiveness, which comes through Jesus’ Death on the Cross. We believe God draws us to Himself but the decision to respond is ours. We believe an individual must turn from a lifestyle of sin and selfishness to one of Christ-likeness, as God’s Grace both saves and transforms the lives of those who receive and follow Him…


We believe Christians are called to offer their whole lives to
God in a moment of surrender, followed by a lifetime of surrendering to His Love and Life. In response to a willingness to offer ourselves to Him, God sanctifies, i.e. purifies, cleanses, fills, and empowers the hearts and lives of His Followers, delivering them from the attitude of sin and selfishness. Through the Work of The Holy Spirit, believers are made holy, and wholly His, evidenced by The Love of Christ at work in their lives. Ultimately, it’s about The Person of Jesus Christ, saving us from our sins and saturating our hearts and lives with Himself…


We believe the Church is Christ’s Body, carrying out His Purposes in the world… We believe God heals people - physically, emotionally and spiritually…We believe Jesus will one day return to take His followers to heaven. With a broken heart, we understand and beleive that those who do not choose Christ in life will be separated from Him in death, a choice that leads to an eternal death in hell…


We practice the sacraments of baptism and communion, not for ritual-sake, but from hearts full of faith and love, for Jesus, The Nazarene!

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