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Southview's primary goal is to make a positive impact on individuals by offering various ministries tailored for children, youth, adults, men, and women. We understand the significance of nurturing the faith of Christ-followers while encouraging them to engage in acts of service. Consequently, we consistently expand our church's range of ministries. Below are some of the opportunities available for you to participate in at Southview.


Kid's Ministry

Church does not have to be boring!  Fun doesn't have to be meaningless.  We strive to minster to children in a way that draws them to God in a fun and caring environment. 

As Christ's Agents we are called to bring others to God.  This call is not limited by age.  We teach kids to share with others about God NOW.  We encourage and equip parents to talk with their children about God often.  Meets on Sunday morning during the sermon.


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Men's Ministries

Men After Christ's Heart 1st


Men of all ages meet for fellowship, service, and strengthening each other in Christ. In addition, our men enjoy yearly retreats, outings, and service opportunities.


Meeting the 4th Saturday of the month at 8:30 am for breakfast, faith, and fellowship. 


Student Ministries

Our teens and young adults meet regularly for services and special events.


Women's Ministry

Southview Women In Motion

Our Goal:

Our women of all ages meet for fellowship, service, and strengthening each other in Christ.  




Love (G)od and (O)thers and GROW!


The Purpose of Go and Groups Groups is to allow Jesus to become your Best Friend– Love Him most and love others



- To understand what it means to follow Christ (Study the Word - Discipleship)

- To develop an authentic and consistent relationship with Christ

- To develop a lifestyle of Holiness living

- To engage in conversation (not lecture type teaching), learning from one another

- To develop a lifestyle of praying without ceasing

- To encourage and support one another

- To establish a community of friendships (relationships) within the group


Go and Grow Groups

Go and Grow Groups range in ages from toddler to senior adult and meet at various times and places during the week. See Pastor Teresa for more information.

International Missions

Though our support of the Church of the Nazarene we are involved in ministry in 160 world areas.  These ministries include but are not limited to, full time missionaries, compassionate ministries, evangelistic ministries, Disaster relief, The Jesus Film, Child sponsorship and church planting. 

Southview Community Church

(423) 247-8331


1235 Moreland Dr,

Kingsport, TN 37664

Service Times

Sunday Morning: 10:30 AM


Mid Week: Our small groups meet all across the week at various days, times, and locations. All ages are included. Please speak to Pastor Teresa if you are interested in being a part of this exciting ministry!

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