How you can support our Church
As a qualifying non-profit organization, your donations may be tax deductible, as determined by your tax professional.
We appreciate all contributions, as they enable us to do local ministry. Also, please know that Southview gives over 15% of your contributions to support the worldwide mission and ministries of the Church of the Nazarene. We strive for transparency. Contact us if you have any questions concerning your contributions.
Above all, we desire your prayers, as "Unless the LORD builds the house, we labor in vain." Finally, your encouragement is always appreciated. Feel free to send us an encouraging message.
Ways you can support us:
In Person
You can give during service times or come by during our normal office hours.
We are happy to be able to accept donations online. Please keep in mind that we will be charged 2.9%-3% for credit card processing
By Email
This does not work for money donations, but if you want to encourage us or talk about ministries you can find our emails on the contact us page.
Public Praise
These days the online world runs on positive reviews. If you could give us a positive review on your favorite site or tag us in a positive post on social media.
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